A couple posts ago, I had written about how January and the new year started out on a rocky ride. Maybe it’s been rocky in your world or maybe it’s smooth sailing. I have been bouncing back and forth between both. Some days I fantasize about taking a year off and moving to Southeast Asia where I picture slow days that consist of reading, writing, walking and hopefully a good cup of coffee (I’ve also been pursuing Japan real estate listings for a fun evening activity). Then I overfill my days with work, projects, work-outs and outdoor activities. Other days, I tell myself I am doing good work here on Maui and should just chill out and be content with what is currently on my plate. What this plate looks like right now: coaching, starting a podcast, playing pickleball (yes I’ve joined the craze), learning about native plants, being a consultant for Olive Tree People, taking care of my dogs, not to mention working at a 9 to 5 and in my spare time going on long walks, surfing, biking, hiking…oh yeah and going through a divorce.
It’s no wonder I feel scatterbrained lately. For me this can look like bouncing back and forth between things so quickly that I don’t fully complete 1 item or trying to do too much in one day that my brain feels like it was stuck in a Vitamix by 6pm.
Maybe I should do less? Nah, that is not me. I like to make the most of my days as this equates to living a full life. Trust me there are times and days when I lay around and bask in laziness but not too often when the sun is constantly shining on Maui ;)
For me, it’s not about doing less but assuring that how I am spending my time feels aligned with my goals and the direction I want my life to take.
When I am feeling scatterbrained or like I am cramming too much in, I like to check in on how I am spending my time. Here is a simple exercise for this time alignment check-in:
Make a list of your top 5 priorities
Do a time audit and document how you are spending your time for 1 full week
See if these two things line up
If you do this exercise, you will find one of two things. Either how you spend your time aligns with your top priorities or it doesn’t. If you have been feeling scatterbrained, over-worked or drained, chances are this is because you are spending more time on the things that are not a priority for you than the ones that you value the most.
If this is the case, you have the opportunity to shift and make changes. For example, if spending time with your family is a top priority but in doing your time audit, you realize you spend at least an hour a day of your free time on your phone rather than interacting with your family - those don’t really align. Or if you have a project you want to complete but didn’t spend any time on it that week, maybe you want to make time for it the following week.
When I did this exercise recently, I was surprised to find I put self-care in the #2 position of my top 5 priorities. I don’t know if self-care has ever been this high on my priority list. Lately, I have been spending a lot of my spare on things I consider self-care: meditating, working out, walking and being outside. Normally I wouldn’t think of these activities as being “productive” and would feel the urge to be working on my latest projects and pursuits. Now that I know that self-care is a top priority when I am on a walk or driving to go surf, I have a sense of ease and reassurance that I don’t need to be anywhere or doing anything else. I am reminded that as these acts of self-care = living an aligned life.
All my best
“Let the beauty we love be what we do." Rumi