Multi-Passionate what?!
What the heck is this term multi-passionate anyways? To some this term may be immediately relatable and clear, others may think it is some sort of millennial trend.
When I first heard the words multi-passionate I said ‘HECK YES’ and felt a wave of relief. I had been thinking for years that my tendency to change jobs like socks was either because I hadn’t found THE ONE thing I wanted to do with my life or that there was something wrong with me and hopefully one day I would grow up, settle down and pick a job. Boy was I wrong (and thankfully so).
What I learned is there are actually a number of people out there in the world that constantly change interests and pursuits, not because they are lazy or undriven but because the pull of their newest passion can and must be followed. It usually starts as a small spark of an idea and quickly grows into devoting 110% of yourself to it. This has happened to me with art, sustainability, farming, real estate development and coaching. All of these passions are still with me, however some of them at different times are driving the car and others are in the backseat.
Here is how I define being multi-passionate:
being adept in divergent fields of work or pursuits
trying (unsuccessfully) to narrow down your interests and passions to one or two things
generating new ideas ALL THE TIME. It should really be a paid position ;)
you don’t fit into any sort of conventional box and struggle to put a label on what it is that you do (the description is a running list)
I’m curious how many of you can relate? Send me a note and make my day by telling me a bit about you and your (latest)
All my best,