When the world feels out of control
Tuesday Tips for when you feel like the world is spinning out of control
Welcome to 2025. We are in a new calendar year (like me, you might be bidding a strong adieu to 2024), more horrendous fires and climate disasters are impacting the environment, in the U.S., Trump will soon be back in office (quite unbelievable) and in Canada, the Prime minister has just resigned (as a dual US/Canadian citizen I feel the need to mention both). Seeing as it is only January 12, this leaves me wondering what else will 2025 bring?!
This year may be a bumpy ride but that does not scare me. This may be due to fact that the last half of 2024 was the most difficult period of my life to date. After feeling like you’ve been through the wringer and have come out on the otherside, you have a different outlook on what you can handle in life.
Another reason I am not scared is having an acute understanding that many of these factors and current world events are outside of my control. I am not President (thank god) or can magically bring rain and calm the winds (although I do pray for this). What is in my control is how I choose to think, act or react to what is happening. Do I yell at the tv or go out and volunteer? Do I try to find someone or something to blame or do I educate myself first? Do I cry about my unmet dreams or do I keep working towards them? I don’t say this from a high and mighty this is what I am doing, what about you? sense but to demonstrate the difference between sitting in inaction vs. taking action. What serves your highest and best self the most? What serves your community? How can you align your actions with your values?
By learning to accept that there are many unknowns in front us this year (and frankly always), you can be better prepared for change, to pivot as needed, to not get upset when things don’t go as planned, to pause and take stalk of what lies before you and then move forward with intention.
Also in case you missed the previous announcement, my newsletters have moved to Substack. With Substack, you can become a paid subscriber where you get unlimited access to all content (noting some posts will be for paid members only), archived work and a chat directly with me feature. The subscription pricing is $7/month or $77/year and as a loyal subscriber, I am offering these specials:
50% off monthly or annual subscriptions! Offer ends January 31, 2025
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Wishing you many blessings in 2025
Dear Coach Naomi, Wise words, indeed, for a troubled world. Do what you can, make good choices for yourself and the path will appear before you...