Aloha and welcome to the multipassionate coach!

This is a space for big dreamers, diverse creators, serial entreprenuers, and endless idea generators to feel at home in the life of a multi-passionate person.

My name is Naomi and I am a fellow dreamer, idea junkie and life coach (amongst other things). I’ve always joked that my resume is the length of a grocery list and ranges from a farmer to marketing.

The Multipassionate Coach is meant to inspire you to keep creating and unlocking your multipassionate mastery.

Join the Community

If you have changed careers for the third or fourth time or are thrilled with your 17th greatest business idea and those closest to you are rolling their eyes saying again?! this is a blog for you. I am not here to hold you back but push you further and deeper into creative inspiration. This is where you thrive.

No one else thinks exactly like you or puts ideas together in the way only you uniquely can.

Let’s celebrate that.

In my weekly Tuesday Tips series, I share tips and tools on how to not have your diverse pursuits be a hindrance but, rather, propel you forward in life along with other anecdotes to help you live a full and fulfilling existence our very human world.

The rest, musings on life, things I am most jazzed about and bits of inspiration, as how could I not?

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You being a part of this community means the world to me. Thank you for being here and joining the journey.

If you have ah-ha moments and find the content interesting or helpful, please consider joining as a paid subscriber. For $7/month or $77/year you get access to all content, newsletters, chat directly with me and more.

Founding members receive all the benefits of the paid subscription plus 3 free coaching sessions with yours truly for $159/year! As a coach, I can help you with any aspect or get through any challenge in life (from divorce to goal setting to I just want more time for myself) I’ve got you.

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Cheers to the creative (and unconventional) life!

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Musings on love, life and coaching for multi-passionate people. Can't choose one thing? Why not do them all! Career change at any age! Passion projects galore! Following the status quo is not in our DNA


Aloha I am Naomi, the multipassionate coach. I am a dreamer, serial entrepreneur, and idea junkie. My resume is the length of a grocery list and I usually have ~3-6 projects on the go. I write about lots of things but mostly coaching.