Kōkua for Maui

For Maui - we are heartbroken by the great losses suffered in August 2023 due to the devastating fires. Those of us who are lucky enough to call Maui home know how magical and special this place is. Maui is unlike anywhere else in the world, not just for its beauty, but because of the Hawaiians, the big-hearted residents, and the diverse & vibrant island community. The impacts of the fires are rippling across our island and will be felt for years to come.

If you are a Maui County resident impacted by the fires (in any shape or form) and would like assistance rebuilding your business or starting a new one, a 6 week coaching program is available on a sliding scale to support you in the start-up process.

Whether you have physically lost your business/assets and need to restart, revenue is down or you want to start a brand new business venture, this coaching program is here to support you. Locally-owned and operated businesses are vital to the diversity and economic sustainability of Maui. If you are a small business owner, whether that is part time, full time or some of the time, you are an integral part of this community’s tapestry and its strong entreprenurial spirit. Doing what you love and are passionate about and having that work support yourself and your family, allows locals to stay on Maui. This is the goal of many and my dream for the generations to come.



  • Feeling so overwhelmed you don’t know where to start

  • Untangling a web of emotions and confusion on which steps to take and when

  • Working through big doubts and fears about reaching your business goals

  • Not wanting to market your business or put yourself “out there”


  • Having a clear roadmap and plan forward

  • How to become anchored in confidence every step of the way

  • Setting business goals that light you up inside and align with the impact you want to have on the world

  • Creating an “authentically you” marketing plan that feels good and you are beyond proud to share with the world

It is more important than ever to regain and strengthen our community through the stability of locally-owned businesses.

In the weeks following the fires, we saw many local business owners stepping in to volunteer, donate and help in many shapes and forms because of the love you have for Maui. We know that the more you have, the more you will continue to give back to this community. The more your business grows, the greater your capacity to support and hire other locals. If you are one of these business owners or you aspire to be one, this program is for you - to help you grow and thrive so you can continue to uplift others and our island home.

Pay what you can from $100 - $1,000 and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Maui Strong Fund.

Curious or have questions? Sign up for a complimentary session to see if this is right for you.